Wednesday, April 30, 2008

First Run

So I haven't run in a while...quite a while to be exact. After all the injuries (knee, hip, lower back, etc). I had to lay off for a while.

But with the arrival of the new GPS, heart rate monitor, watch thing...Garmin 405, I had to start back up...that and the health fair at work was an eye opener...

I will post the nast results from the health fair tomorrow.

As for my pathtic run...
1.38 miles
10:08 pace

Will keep this route for at least the next 3 days...don't want to start hurting in the joints again.

1 comment:

Outdoorgirl said...

Good way to build the base :) I think I am going to stick to sports that don't involve long distance, but have lots of body checks...